2 days / 20+ talks
Find best practices, new exciting AI start-ups, ask experts or find partners that can help you understand how to apply AI

October 13th and 14th, 2022, Zagreb, Kraš
Conference Schedule

Day 2 – Oct 14

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Petar Veličković, Google DeepMind

Amazing things that happen with Human-AI synergy

09:00 – 09:40 | Conference Room
For the past few years, I have been working on a challenging project: teaching machines to assist humans with proving difficult theorems and conjecturing new approaches to long-standing open problems.
Julien Simon, Hugging face

Hyperproductive Machine Learning with Transformers and Hugging Face

09:40 – 10:10 | Conference Room
According to the latest State of AI report, “transformers have emerged as a general-purpose architecture for ML. Not just for Natural Language Processing, but…
Matej Balun, Microblink

In-store product recognition with AI

10:10 – 10:40 | Conference Room
Although recent years and the COVID-19 pandemic showed a significant increase in online shopping, most customers still do their daily grocery and necessities shopping in physical retail stores. Except for coupons or post-shopping…
Adrian Alajković, Fortenova Group DataLab; Martin Možina, Mercator Slovenia

Fortenova Group DataLab: using AI to improve customer experience and company efficiency

10:40 – 11:10 | Conference Room
Fortenova Group DataLab is a cross-functional program where joint teams from companies within Fortenova Group are working together on various real-life business…

Coffee Break

11:10 – 11:40 | Coffee Space
Siniša Slijepčević, Cantab PI

Cantab PI: AI for Next Best Action

11:40 – 12:10 | Conference Room
Cantab PI, recently recognised as a “leading data analytics and machine learning technology company” in life sciences, has already deployed the Next Best Action AI platform on three continents for some…
Anotnio Matušan, Bonsai Tech

Rulify: Rule your inbox

12:10 -12:40 | Conference Room
And don’t let it be the other way around.
Despite all other modern communication methods, email is not going anywhere…
Florin Dzeladini, DeepSquare

DeepSquare: Infinite computer resource scaling at your fingerprint

12:40 -13:10 | Conference Room
The presentation will introduce the audience to the DeepSquare project, its history, current status and future development. DeepSquare is a decentralised meta-cloud…
Gordan Kreković, Visage Technologies

Professional Development in AI: How to Stay Relevant?

13:10 – 13:40 | Conference Room
The pace of AI is immense. The quantity of academic work, practices, tools, and solutions is growing steeply and accelerating. Such a dynamic environment makes it very difficult for…

Lunch Break

13:40 -14:40 | Lobby
Rok Rogelj, Cloud Specialist, Data & AI, Microsoft

Future of Data&AI at Microsoft

14:40 – 15:10 | Conference Room
How Microsoft transformed from a company selling Microsoft Windows to a company helping their clients improve business results using AI on top of their data.
Goran Gvozden & Mateja Novaković, Poslovna inteligencija

Improving Employee Retention with Predictive Analytics. Why do employees leave?

15:10 – 15:40 | Conference Room
Employee retention is a common workforce management challenge with significant impact on organisations operational costs and productivity. In fact, according to various research studies nearly half of all employees will leave…
Clemens Wasner, EnliteAI

CANCELED – AI for Power Grid Optimization – how to avoid blackouts and enable a sustainable energy transformation

The energy sector is facing rapid changes in the transition towards clean renewable sources with power grids still forming the backbone of energy transmission and distribution. However, the growing share of volatile…
Davor Andrić, Amazon Web Services

How to scale intelligence of fully autonomous vehicles?

15:40 – 16:10 | Conference Room
Can autonomous driving replace human driving behaviour, and how? This talk addresses related challenges and autonomous vehicle technology, addresses intelligent and…

Research stage
Justin E. Lane, CEO, and Co-Founder at CulturePulse Inc.

Understanding Our Relationship With The Media Using AI

10:40 – 11:10 | Conference Room 2
We need better AI to understand our relationship with the media. How does the media affect our lives and society? What is at stake when marketers leverage the same algorithms as troll farms? We believe…

Coffee Break

11:10 -11:40 | Lobby
Nikola Ljubešić, Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute

How to ensure that AI understands and speaks my small language as well?

11:40 – 12:10 | Conference Room 2
In recent years improvements in the area of natural language understanding have been tremendous, primarily because of a very successful application of deep learning and self-supervision both on text and speech data. While most …
Siniša Šegvić, FER

Applications of generative approaches for artificial intelligence

12:10 – 12:40 | Conference Room 2
Most machine learning applications leverage discriminative models and supervised learning. However, discriminative models are unable to generate new content or…
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Matej Gjurković, FER

Say It in Your Own Words – an Interdisciplinary Approach to Text-Based Personality Analysis

12:40 – 13:10 | Conference Room 2
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are ubiquitous problem-solving tools in industry and academia. For many tasks, it is necessary to involve both domain experts and…
Dino Pitoski, AIRI/INFRI – UniRi

Using Network Science to explain migration: the case of Croatia

13:10 – 13:40 | Conference Room 2
Dino’s talk will present recent findings on migration patterns within countries, obtained through a relatively new network science view on the phenomenon, which point to the desirable new research directions…

Lunch Break

13:40 -14:40 | Lobbyški.jpeg?resize=160%2C160
Goran Oreški, Faculty of Informatics Pula

AI for bank credit scoring – from science to business

14:40 – 15:10 | Conference Room 2
The impact of artificial intelligence on the banking industry is increasing; the result is an ongoing automation trend of business processes where advanced AI models play…
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Stjepan Bogdan, FER

The Watchplant

15:10 – 15:40 I Conference room 2
The lecture will present WATCHPLANT, a new Horizon 2020 EU Pathfinder project (EU-H2020-FETPROACTIVE), which proposes a radically new approach to the development of biohybrid system…
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Marko Subašić, FER, Robert Jambrečić, Cloudonia

Computer Vision goes shopping – A System for Visual Recognition of Shelved Products

15:40 – 16:10 | Conference Room 2
The project’s primary goal could roughly be placed in Retail Store Item Detection, but we are also targeting some additional information related to the products. The additional information should enable automated inspection of…
Domagoj Marić, Data Science & AI Team Lead, Megatrend

PhisHRban: A safer Internet through AI and natural language processing

16:10 – 16:40 | Conference Room 2
PhisHRban is a project in which we aim to build an AI model which would fight the problem of phishing attacks, which are nowadays far from well known “Nigerian prince“ scams. There are two main problems, one…



It is not just the most important conference about Artificial Intelligence in Croatia, it is also a great place where you can meet and greet people that are having the same interests as you! So, you will have networking opportunity to start the discussion and Networking Zone, where you can sit and chat with them.

Meet the


Some great speakers and moderators are coming your way! You will learn a ton from the presentation, but they are open to networking and your direct questions in the network zone.

Meet the speakers