AI2FUTURE2019 –2 days, 4 keynotes, 20+ moving presentation

10th & 11th of October 2019, Kraš Auditorium, Zagreb, Croatia
Örebro University, Sweden

Achim J. Lilienthal

Head of the Mobile Robotics Olfaction Laboratory

Achim J. Lilienthal received the M.S. degree in physics from Konstanz University in 1998 and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Tübingen, Germany, in 2004. He is currently a professor of computer science with Örebro University, Sweden, where he is also the Head of the Mobile Robotics Olfaction Laboratory. His research interests include AI, robotic perception (in particular rich 3D perception and robot vision for intra-logistic applications), human-robot interaction, mobile robot olfaction for environmental monitoring and inspection, and mathematics education research.



Today, intralogistic services have to respond quickly to changing market needs, unforeseeable trends and shorter product life cycles. These drivers pose new demands on intralogistic systems to be highly flexible, rock-solid reliable, self-optimising, quickly deployable and safe, yet efficient in environments shared with humans. In this presentation I will report on ILIAD, an H2020 project that set out to enable the transition to automation of intralogistic services in the food distribution sector, where the challenges mentioned are particularly pressing. ILIAD develops robotic solutions that can integrate with current warehouse facilities, extending the state of the art to achieve self-deploying fleets of heterogeneous robots. In this presentation I will particularly focus on, (1), learning activity patterns inferred from long-term observations and using the learned spatial maps of dynamics (MoDs); and, (2), long-term human motion prediction. I will discuss recent results and their importance for life-long self-optimisation, and efficient, legible as well as safe operation in environments shared with humans

