AI2FUTURE2019 – 2 days, 20+ moving & inspiring discussion and presentations

15th & 16th of October 2020, Kraš Auditorium, Zagreb, Croatia, LIVE & VIRTUAL
Innovation Centre Nikola Tesla

Davorka Moslavac Forjan

Technology Monitoring and Market Analysis Manager

Davorka Moslavac Forjan holds PhD degree in organic chemistry, she is professional specialist of project management (prof. spec. oec.), and has completed General Management Program in IEDC Bled School of Management. She has extensive experience in technology transfer and management of intellectual property in the fields of chemistry, biology, biotechnology and medicine. For last 12 years she has worked at several positions related to technology transfer and IP management.

She is actively participating in all ICENT projects and business activities regarding Digital Innovation Hubs, namely L4MS and DIH2 projects. She is also coordinator and main contact point for CROBOHUB DIH – Croatian Robotics Digital Innovation Hub.



RAMP – Robotics and Automation Market Place & Funding Opportunities in Agile Manufacturing & Logistics

Overview of funding opportunities within the European Commission Horizon 2020 project DIH2 will be presented. Equity-free funding up to €248,000 for robotic solutions in Agile Manufacturing & Logistics is offered to consortia made up of technology providers and manufacturing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and slightly bigger (up to 500 employees or up to €100 million income) to enable them to develop and adopt these solutions. Also, RAMP platform, digital robotic marketplace for accelerating productivity in Small and Medium-size Enterprises and broadening markets for Technology Solution Providers, will be presented.

