AI2FUTURE 2 unConference days / 16 speakers / 4 workshops
We had amazing Schedule for the Conference AI2F 2017!

October 05th and 06th, 2017, Zagreb, Croatia


Day 1

Thu, Oct 5
Bernardo Magnini

Artificial Intelligence and Conversational Agents

09:10 – 09:55 | Conference Room
Bernardo will address the role of conversational agents in the context of the recent resurgence of Artificial Intelligence and examine both market and research perspectives, showing how conversational agents promise to change human-machine interaction. However, replicating human conversation abilities requires technological progress which are still challenging. Particularly, task-oriented dialogues in common scenarios (e.g. virtual coaching, personal assistant, automatic help desks) still require large amount of supervision, which affect the scalability and the portability through different domains. Finally, he will sketch promising directions for low supervision utterance understanding and for learning conversations intents.
Manos Tsagkias, 904LABS

Self-learning Search Engines

09:55 – 10:40 | Conference Room
Ranking is at the heart of all search applications, whether the search concerns documents, entities, recommendations, or conversations. Today, we are witnessing an important shift towards online weakly supervised approaches: using natural interaction data for developing new rankers, for optimizing combinations of large numbers of rankers, and for the evaluation of rankers. These approaches have proved very powerful as they are robust to noise and can learn online. In the talk Manos will illustrate the principle of self-learning search systems, describe the current challenges, and share insights on the next generation of self-learning search engines.

Coffee Break

10:40 – 10:55 | Coffee Space

Driving AI to the Masses

10:55 – 11:25 | Conference Room
Why big companies invest so strongly in AI? Can they democratize AI and bring them, through the platforms, really to the masses? Learn about Microsoft vision and platforms around AI, where in the future, every product will have embedded AI.
Thorsten Gressling

AI as a hidden power of politics and catalyst for new social systems

11:25 – 12:05 | Conference Room
This lecture focuses on the future possibilities for influencing up to the total control of societies through data science and artificial intelligence. It will look at the typical patterns of such systems – derived from historical examples – and develop the perspectives for new forms of policy which become possible only with the use of these technologies.
Ivan Maglić, Calisto/Gartner Adriatic (moderating)

PANEL: Where is AI in Croatia?

12:05 – 13:00 | Conference Room
(other panelist are to be confirmed – note: panel will be in Croatian language)

Jan Šnajder, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb
Jan Snajder is an Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb and a member of Text Analysis and Knowledge Engineering Lab (TakeLab). TakeLab specializes in natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, text analytics (aka text mining), and data mining.

Maja Vekić Vedrina, Atlantic Group
Head of DWH/BI solutions in Corporate Information Technology of Atlantic Grupa. More than 17 years of experience in data integration, data warehousing and business intelligence. Passionate about the data and analytics. Believer in business value information technology can bring to the company.

Luka Baranović, Director, Customer Experience Management at Hrvatski Telekom

Tomislav Tipurić, Partner Technology Strategist, Microsoft
We believe that, when designed with people at the center, AI can extend your capabilities, free you up for more creative and strategic endeavors, and help you or your organization achieve more.

Lunch Break

13:00 -13:50 | Restaurant (Outside)
Mladen Vukmir

Lawyers 4.0: Redefining the Oldest Profession

13:50 – 14:10 | Conference Room
Lawyers scrambling to secure future for their profession and finding the new place for law in the future societies. Changing role of law brings serious challenges to the profession that relied on traditions as a backbone for its future. The game has changed and now the main ingredient in securing its future is change.
Bojan Jerbić

Step Beyond the Future with 4th Industrial Revolution

14:10 -14:30 | Conference Room
Industry 4.0 is the answer to the accelerated science and technology development, which opens new possibilities for intelligent production and digital economy, prompting the development of new economic models and social relationships. The fourth industrial revolution implies “computerization / digitization of everything“. This means creating a kind of ecosystem that integrates information from all products to production, across the business sector to the market and the customer itself. In the World of Industry 4.0, people, machines, equipment, logistics systems and products communicate, possess intelligence and work directly with each other, requiring a new understanding of science, technology and culture. Digitization of the industry and the economy not only transforms processes of creating new values, but leads to new business models and new employment prospects. Intelligent digital manufacturing processes open up great opportunities especially for small and medium-sized companies.
Davor Runje, DRAP.AI

vHeart: Automating ECG Diagnonis

14:30 – 14:50 | Conference Room
How we built deep learning algorithm for heart disease diagnostic and what are some of the technical and legal challenges in building a smart telemedicine platform.
Siniša Šegvić, FER

Deep Learning for Smart Vehicles and Safe Roads

14:50 – 15:10 | Conference Room
Deep convolutional models have caused unprecedented growth of computer vision performance. This has opened exciting applications in the fields of smart vehicles and safe roads, where we can have pixel level recognition and revolutionize how we build smart vehicles and increase road safety.
Markus Schatten, AI Lab FOI

ModelMMORPG Project: From Artificial Agents to Agent Organisations, With Computer Game Examples

15:10 – 15:30 | Conference Room
The lecture presents the ModelMMORPG (Large-Scale Multi-Agent Modelling of Massively Multi-player On-Line Role-Playing Games) project, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation, whose main goal is to develop methods of (organisational) modelling of large-scale multi-agent systems, with a special emphasis on MMORPG games.


unConference Time!

15:30 – 16:30 | Conference Room (and Around)

Cocktail and Networking

16:30 – 00:00 | Conference Venue

Day 2

Fri, Oct 6

Darko Jovišić, SPAN Software Solutions

Digital Workforce: How Software Robots Impact the Future of Work?

09:00 – 09:20 | Conference Room
This session we will show you how you can leverage this technology to increase efficiency of your organization. We will show you the tools you can use today to create your own digital workforce!
Jan Šnajder, TakeLAB FER

Social Media Text Mining for Telecom Customer Experience Analysis

09:20 – 09:40 | Conference Room
Much of communication between companies and customers, traditionally done through dedicated customer support channels, is now taking place on social networks. I’ll present an innovative AI solution for textual analysis of user comments from social networks, recently developed at TakeLab within a HAMAG-BICRO funded PoC6 project “CATACX: Cog-Affective social media Text Analytics for Customer eXperience analysis“. Our solution supports a comprehensive analysis of CX in the telecom domain that discovers actionable insights for managing and improving customer experience.
Marko Velić, STYRIA

Challenges and Pitfalls of Modern Deep Learning Computer Vision Models

09:40 – 10:10 | Conference Room
Presenting evolution of Computer Vision models (from hand-crafted to powerful deep learning), where we still have high dependency on training dataset distribution. We will show practical examples of distribution specific classifiers, adversarial attacks on Deep Learning models and issues on the examples of self-driving vehicles
Hajdi Ćenan, DRAP.AI

Open AI platform for Sensitive Data

10:10 – 10:30 | Conference Room
In this talk, we propose an open, but secure platform with a simple trick: the AI experts never see the actual data. They get the data structure and randomly created data to create the models, but get to train those models on real data through secure platform set up by us.

Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:00 | Restaurant (or Coffee Place)
Jurica Cerovec, MICROBLINK

Applying Machine Learning in award winning Mobile Apps

11:00 – 11:20 | Conference Room
Learn from Co-founder of Microblink & Photomath, how they are applying Machine Learning in award winning Mobile Apps
Ivana Podnar Žarko, FER

IoT Interoperability as Enabler for AI

11:20 – 11:40 | Conference Room
While the current highly fragmented IoT ecosystem is characterized by an increasing number of platforms, their interoperability and collaboration is quite challenging to achieve, even more so due to numerous standardization initiatives. Interoperability remains essential for IoT deployments to facilitate the emergence of novel cross-domain applications and business opportunities, while it opens up a plethora data sources and dynamic spaces for AI. In this talk I will present the interoperability approach pursued by the H2020 project symbIoTe.
Maja Vekić Vedrina, ATLANTIC Grupa

Analytics Going Cognitive in Atlantic Grupa

11:40 – 12:00 | Conference Room
We will show how cognitive technology fits into analytical domain of Atlantic Grupa, and you will hear about use cases from the area of analytics where we are applying cognitive technology. Also, we will share our experience and learning from the use cases implementation so that you are able to hear about benefits and challenges from our current experience.
Igor Tomičić, Bogdan Okreša Đurić, AI Lab FOI

Potentials and Business Oportunities of Distributed AI Systems

12:00 – 12:20 | Conference Room
The lecture summarises an overview of potential applications and future trends of artificial intelligence in the context of large-scale multi-agent systems.
Ratko Mutavdžić, Željko Krizmanić

Closing words for the Conference

12:20 – 12:30 | Conference Room
Closing words: we hope conference was great and looking forward to see you at our regular meetups and other conferences. Learn how you can be part of the community!



It is not just first conference about Artificial Intelligence, it is also a great unconference where you can meet and greet people that are having the same interests as you! So, we will provide additional open slots where YOU can start the discussion and propose a topic (unConference) and Networking Zone, where you can sit and chat with them.

Check the


Depending on the interest, we will organize a small workshops in the afternoon of the second day related to a specific technologies and platform which you use to develop AI solutions.

Check the Workshops

Meet the


Some great speakers and moderators are coming your way! You will learn a ton from the presentation, but they are open to networking and your direct questions in the network zone.

Meet the speakers