AI2FUTURE2022 – 2 days, 40+ moving & inspiring discussion and presentations

13th & 14th of October 2022, Kraš Auditorium, Zagreb, Croatia
EnliteAI & AI Austria

Clemens Wesner

CEO & as founder and chairperson of AI Austria

Clemens Wasner is the CEO of EnliteAI, an Austrian AI startup, as well as founder and chairperson of AI Austria, an independent think-tank to promote AI and ensure Austria’s competitiveness in that field. He is an active member of the European AI Forum, a partnership of like-minded AI organizations which steer regulation in Europe. Before starting his own company he spent more than 10 years in Japan and China, from where he oversaw the Asia expansion as a partner in a management consulting firm. Most recently he was elected as the vice-president of the ADRA – the Public Private Partnership on AI, Data & Robotics of the European Commission, overseeing investment programs of 2.6 Billion Euros



AI for Power Grid Optimization 

The energy sector is facing rapid changes in the transition towards clean renewable sources with power grids still forming the backbone of energy transmission and distribution. However, the growing share of volatile, fluctuating renewable generation such as wind or solar energy and cross-regional energy exchange already led to a massive increase in grid congestions and network security concerns in recent years.

We developed a novel Reinforcement Learning powered grid operation decision support system, that suggests non-costly, carbon free measures (e.g., topological corrections) as grid control actions to human operators. We aim at optimizing existing infrastructure with the ultimate goal of increasing grid reliability and flexibility as well as the yield of renewable generation.