AI2FUTURE 2024 – 2 days, 50+ moving & inspiring discussion and presentations

17th & 18th of October 2024, Kraš Auditorium, Zagreb, Croatia
University Computing Centre (SRCE)

Emir Imamagic

Head of the Advanced Computing Department

Emir Imamagic is the Head of the Advanced Computing Department at the University Computing Centre (SRCE), where he has been contributing for over 20 years. His expertise spans high-performance computing, distributed and cloud computing, as well as system management and monitoring. Emir oversees SRCE’s Advanced Computing services, including the national supercomputer Supek and the advanced cloud platform Vrančić, ensuring specialized support for users. He is actively involved in several European projects, such as EDIH CROBOHUB++, National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC, Croatian Quantum Communication Infrastructure, and activities related to the European Open Science Cloud.



Next-Gen Compute and Cloud Services for SME’s
SRCE has a long tradition of providing Advanced Computing Services such as high performance computing (HPC) and advanced cloud computing to academic and scientific community. As a head of National Competence Centre for HPC and partner in EDIH CROBOHUB++ SRCE builds upon this experience and offer services to SMEs, industry and public administration. In this presentation we will present training, consultation, networking and test before invest services provided by SRCE in EDIH CROBOHUB++