AI2FUTURE2019 –2 days, 4 keynotes, 20+ moving presentation

10th & 11th of October 2019, Kraš Auditorium, Zagreb, Croatia
Boston Education

Maja Vuksic

Founder and MD

Maja is the founder of a company that is dedicated to bringing STEAM education to students across Germany. In particular we use digital methods and tools to bring technology closer to school curriculum and bridge the gap between the needs across industries and future work force.

As a lecturer at a the University of Applied Science Ruhr West, she helps facilitate the teaching of AI and data science to undergraduate and graduate students.

As a former Harvard student, she serve as a mentor at the EOT (Entrepreneurs of tomorrow) a program that is now in it’s 12th year of running, helping young entrepreneurs in early stages of transforming their ideas into viable start-ups.

Specialties: neuroscience, applied physics, entrepreneurship, start-ups



AI in education challenges and perspectives 

As research in AI shows, AI is increasingly used in education and learning environments. The impact of three areas – data, computation and education – will have far reaching consequences, raising fundamental questions about the nature of education – what is taught and equally importantly how it is taught.

In this talk, we will try to examine how AI may impact the curriculum design, the individualization of learning, and the impact on assessment.  The rapid advances in AI products and services that challenge the current educational systems’ capacity to understand, manage and integrate them properly.

As well as the huge ethical, technical and pedagogical challenges ahead in the world of AI of tomorrow.

